Monday, February 8, 2016

What People Say About Your Home When You're Not There

What People Say About Your Home When You're Not There

If you're putting your home on market, you're probably dying to know what home buyers will have to say as they tour your property. While you hope there'll be nothing but oohs and aahs, that's not always the case.
Just so you know what potential buyers are really thinking when you're not there, we asked Realtors to reveal some of the most noteworthy -- and cringeworthy -- statements they've overheard as potential buyers inspect the goods. Wince, take note, and act accordingly.
'What's that smell?'

When Heather Witt Leikin, a real estate adviser at The Partners Trust, was asked about a home's odor recently during a tour, she had what she thought was a logical answer: The smell was of carpet cleaner, because the owners had just cleaned the rugs for the showings. Sure they looked nice, but the smell was harsh, nasty even -- so much so that the buyer said, "I could never live here" and scrammed. Odious odors, by far, top the list of things home buyers comment on. Here are some of their favorite things to say:

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